Waqara’s Ambassador Program! We have always wanted to expand our Waqara Family. To further your application, we’d like to ask you a few questions & share some more details about what a Waqara Ambassador is.

Please fill out the form attached below & answer all the questions as completely as possible.


Now for our side of the partnership!
  1. Our Ambassadors receive a product for every drop, for a max of four items per year
  2. Tags, shares and posts will be mutual on social platforms
  3. Ambassadors would be granted a unique discount code with their names worth 5%
  4. Our commissions start at 3% rate
  5. Ambassadors will take part in various photoshoots across the year
  6. Yearly get togethers (TBA)
We are excited to meet new people and learn about their experience. Our aim is to always provide our platform to anyone who would like to pursue an ongoing legacy. Please let us know if you have any further questions for us, and we’ll get back to you via email as soon as possible once our team reviews your application.